Las Vegas Brothels - The List and What You Should Know
If you’re a gent who frequents the Las Vegas area, you’ve probably heard a lot about Sin City’s confusing prostitution laws. Many people believe that it’s absolutely legal to pay for sex in Las Vegas. After all, the strip is bumper to bumper with drivable billboards promising “girls straight to your room,” and you can’t walk ten feet without being handed a flyer with a phone number that can purportedly connect you to a bevy of beautiful babes. Additionally, there seems to be a lot of chatter from locals and seasoned visitors about the famous “Las Vegas brothels” that legally operate in the area.
The profusion of marketing from Las Vegas escort agencies makes it seem like prostitution is legal in the city. However, this is not the case.
In 1971, prostitution was legalized in Nevada in the form of licensed brothels. But it is only legal in certain counties below a pre-determined population threshold. Clark County, which contains Las Vegas, is a high population area in which prostitution is illegal.
If prostitution is a criminal activity in Las Vegas, then what’s all this talk about legalized "Las Vegas brothels?"
What is a Las Vegas Brothel?
Las Vegas brothels are not actually in Las Vegas. As mentioned above, prostitution is illegal in Clark County. However, it is legal in neighboring Nye County. These legal brothels, establishments near Las Vegas in Nye County, have come to be called "Las Vegas brothels."
Why go to a Legal Brothel?
Sheri’s Ranch answers this question with three reasons why legal prostitution is better than Las Vegas escorts:
1. Discretion & Customer Privacy: Let’s face it, no public figure was ever outed as a john by a legal brothel. These places wouldn’t do much business if employees didn’t know how to keep their mouths shut.
2. Health & Safety: Turns out legal brothels have an excellent health and safety record. No one has ever contracted an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) or HIV from a legal prostitute. Also, as a legal establishment, these places have 24 hour security.
3. Honesty & Veracity: Vegas escort agencies are notorious for faking out customers with bait and switch scams. Legal brothels are known for being much more truthful as far as the ladies they currently offer – and the lady’s online photos are usually representative of the woman seen in person.
Which Brothel gets the Best Reviews?
In recent years, only one brothel near Las Vegas has received a substantial amount of critical acclaim – Sheri’s Ranch. Sheri’s has received the coveted Brothel of the Year award two years in a row and their stunning prostitutes have consistently been honored with the title of Courtesan of the Year, the most recent lady to win being the lovely Destini.
Additionally, Sheri's Ranch impressed reviewers from the trusted publication Business Insider, as detailed in this featured article I Walked into a Las Vegas Brothel and my Expectations Were Shattered.
Where in the State of Nevada are the Las Vegas Brothels?
There are about six brothels in the general area of Las Vegas. As mentioned earlier, Sheri’s Ranch is the closest brothel to Las Vegas. The below map reveals the locations of all of the brothels in the Vegas area…
View Nevada Brothels List 2013 - 2015 in a larger map