Z is sweet, easy-going, and just an all-around good person who showed me an extraordinary time. I admit, I was nervous when I first asked to see her. I mean, wouldn’t you feel somewhat intimidated by a beautiful woman who speaks multiple languages, has lived in several countries, can play the piano, and used to be a dentist? ;) I sure was. But when we actually met and started talking, all that anxiety went away. I found out that the two of us actually had quite a lot in common, being the same age, going to high school in the same area, and both being theatre nerds. And, to my shock, when the two of us were sitting on a piano bench, Z actually started blushing, and said that she was somewhat intimidated by ME, since I’m the kind of guy she’s actually attracted to. I mean… what? Yes, I know everything at Sheri’s is a curated experience, but with Z, you never get the feeling that she’s putting on an act. She really does love her job, and is very selective with her clients. That made me feel happy in a way that I haven’t in many years. And as amazing as the sex was, my favorite part about our time together was cuddling on the couch afterward, eating granola bars, and talking. I’m quite a bit taller than her, so when we were snuggling, she sat on my lap, draped her arm around my neck and called me her “treehouse.” I haven’t had anyone give me that kind of cute nickname in many years, and it’s something I thought I’d never get again. So to have someone like Z give me that experience is something I’ll be forever grateful for. If you have the time and the means, do come out and see her. And if you do, treat her like the queen she is. She deserves only the best.