I stumbled across the website for Sheri's Ranch a few years ago. I have been intrigued by the idea of visiting a legal brothel ever since. Five days ago I made the leap. There were a few factors that made the decision difficult for me, money-for-sex carries a huge stigma in our society, I have been alone and without for an awfully long time... to the point where I had lost confidence, the thought of telling a woman this scared the heck out of me, and not knowing what the price structure was or what exactly "negotiations" looked like was a little disconcerting as well.
The fact that prices are only discussed in the lady's bedroom (as required by law) and the word "negotiations" , for me conjured up images of a hardened, calculating sex-worker asking "well how much ya got honey?" followed by counter offers and bluffing. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.
When we got to her bedroom, Chasen asked me what I wanted from the experience. She then pulled out her tablet with her activities and prices listed. She made a few suggestions; these suggestions were in my interests and there was no pressure or "up-selling". It wasn't a negotiation at all, it was more like planning a vacation with a travel agent helping you find what you wanted at a price that fit your budget. The whole process took less than three minutes and was dignified and painless.
Our time together then started. When Chasen asked me what feeling I was chasing, I answered that I wanted to have the feeling that comes from holding a woman in my arms, I wasn't sure what might happen after that. I most certainly did hold her in my arms, I can assure you that there was a lot more happened after that. She was an amazing sexual guide. We went from activity to activity effortlessly; she knew what to do and when to do it. I had no idea it would be this good.
When we talked, her conversation was authentic and genuine. Chasen remembered what I said, and was genuinely interested in and accepting of who I was. There was no judgement, I was free to be who I was, self-doubts and all. She was genuinely concerned that she gave me the best experience that she could.
At one point, she seemed worried that she wasn't doing enough. Actually, I was overwhelmed with how well it had gone. I managed to gasp out, "all I need right now is a hug". Lying there skin to skin was the highlight of the whole experience for me. Chasen, thank-you so much.
I chose Chasen on the basis of what she wrote in her profile. Read it for yourself, everything she says is accurate. If you are nervous, unsure of yourself, just trust her, let her be your guide, she makes it easy. I still can't believe how easy she made it for me. I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. My biggest regrets in life have come from the leaps I didn't take, my best memories come from the leaps I did make; I'm so glad that I took this leap. I would like to do this again.