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I have been eagerly anticipating the chance to meet Natalia for about four years now. Finally, the stars aligned and I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to meet her. Let me tell you, she is even more stunning in person than in her photos! Her hair was styled in a shorter length, and her physique appeared much slimmer compared to the pictures. Furthermore, her personality is absolutely remarkable, scoring a perfect 10 out of 10. She is incredibly down to earth and exudes humility. I cannot wait to see you again, my South American Queen.

review by MC on 7/5/2023 2:45:06 PM

MC gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia was very kind and generous, making me feel at ease during my visit. She had a great sense of humor in addition to a sexy playful side. For anyone thinking about booking time with Natalia, I would certainly recommend it.

review by C on 10/11/2022 6:07:34 PM

C gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I returned today after only a one week absence to again see the beautiful Mamacita Natalia today, for about the sixth time since I’ve known her.

I keep discovering new pleasures with her, because the variety of potential lovemaking activities and positions is extremely varied. Again, I’m hooked, and now definitely am a regular of hers, a conclusion with which I believe she agrees.

See you again soon, my sweet Latina Bonita señorita

review by Patrick on 1/21/2022 8:45:44 PM

Patrick gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Had a party today with Natalia, I have a crush and can’t stay away. I’ve dated her I think it were five times since 2019, but she never fails to disappoint or be disappointing with respect to her work, sweet talking, etc.

I think that her boobs which were already big a year or two ago maybe will be even bigger now, although she denies it. Nevertheless, they are ampkeand luscious. Same with respect to her bubble butt culo

review by Patrick on 1/14/2022 8:57:05 PM

Patrick gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I first partied with Natalia in 2019, and had return sessions until Sheri’s‘s closed due to Covid in March 2020. When it reopened this year I was delighted to reconnect with her after more than a year and a half absence. She remembered me well, and wasn’t just making it up, because she violent volunteered some details that she remembered.
She is as sexy and passionate and beautiful as ever and definitely deserves to be on any man’s list of top courtesans at Sheri’s , or anywhere else for that matter!

review by Patrick on 11/16/2021 7:21:43 AM

Patrick gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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The photos of Natalia are stunning, yet she is even more beautiful than that.
But I think she is even more beautiful on the inside.
I am counting down the days until I can return to see her again.

review by KP on 11/15/2021 6:48:15 PM

KP gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Before writing my review, I scrolled though the previous reviews and one thing was common on all of them. We all agree that Natalia is a 5 out of 5 stars. This was my third trip to the ranch over multiple years and have to say the best party to date. From the bubble bath party to the bed it was an amazing time with a beautiful woman. Until next time. All I ask is update your pictures, Natalia has gotten even hotter.

review by John on 11/2/2021 10:04:50 AM

John gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Great personality and obvious beauty. We reconnected after a year apart due to the shut down, but it was so great it was like we were never apart.
Women don’t get any better than her!

review by Patricio on 10/28/2021 8:30:12 PM

Patricio gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I just partied with Natalia and it was a great time with her. Very down to earth and such a genuine person to talk to. She was very understanding that it was my first time being here and made the environment such a calm and relaxing moment. I could not describe how beautiful she was when I first met her. Literally was distracted by her beauty while chatting with her to the room.

Chatted a bit more then moved onto negotiating how to set up the party and things went off from there. Lost for words from that point on. The party got really fired up and it ended with a bang. Definitely would come back to her on my next trip to Nevada. Thank you for starting off the week just right !

review by Richard on 6/20/2021 9:18:26 PM

Richard gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I made an appointment to visit Natalia recently at the brothel and circumstances beyond my control made me very late. I felt guilty about it and thought I might have missed her, but fortunately she was available and she didn’t mind any of that. She is gorgeous, sweet, warm and caring, with a fantastic and smooth body and she made me feel better shortly after we met. Negotiations went very easily and we started connecting very quickly over a glass over champagne both before and after being physical. Our time together left me wishing it could go on for a lot longer. I highly recommend her and I know someday I’ll be back to see her again.

review by Michael on 6/16/2021 2:56:13 PM

Michael gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia was an absolute delight! Charming, curvaceous, and a wonderful conversationalist! I had a truly wonderful experience enjoying her company and am very eager to spend more time with her in the future, Muchas Gracias!

review by IWT on 6/13/2021 5:23:54 PM

IWT gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Greatest experience, highest quality
left me with a lasting memory
I'll be back for more
ND x E

review by Colombiano on 5/6/2021 1:19:37 AM

Colombiano gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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A week ago today I had the pleasure of spending some precious time with Natalia (I say precious because time is just that precious). It was my first time at a brothel or paying for companionship for that matter so needless to say I was a little nervous going in. When I walked inside Sheri's it had a cool, classy, relaxed atmosphere and I was immediately greeted and informed Natalia would be a few minutes that I could have a seat at the bar or wait in the parlor. I opted to wait in the parlor. A few minutes went by and the most breathtakingly beautiful woman came around the corner, walked up to me and introduced herself as Natalia. My uneasyness immediately subsided. She took my hand and lead me back to her room striking up a conversation along the way and revealing her bubbly sweet personality. Back in her room we began negotiations which went smoothly. She then pulled me into the bathroom to do a dc, I payed her and she instructed me to jump in the shower to freshen up while she took the money to the office. When I immerged from the shower I walked back into her room and to my suprise she was laying across the bed in the nude waiting on me. Again I was awestruck by her sexy bodacious body, all the right curves in all the right places. I joined her in the bed and we began to chat a bit before the proceedings got underway. It was then that I noticed how beautiful her almond shaped eyes really were (always heard they're the window to the soul) and was instantly mesmerized and found myself lost in them for the remainder of our time toghther, all the while thinking to myself that I could spend eternity lost there. Thank you Sheri's for the service you provide and thank you Natalia for being you. Hasta que nos encontremos de nuevo mi amor.

review by David on 2/25/2020 9:28:29 PM

David gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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To put things in perspective, Sheri’s is not going to let just any woman be an independent contractor working at the ranch, She must be good-looking and appear sexually desirable. And all the courtesans there are professionals who r good at what they do.
Having said that, as in any business, there r some who r better than others. Well, put Natalia at the top of that list, in my view. She has intelligence and style to match her Latina goddess looks. The ancient Greeks and Romans used to carve statues in marble to capture beauty like hers.
I am over age 50, have been married twice, lived with 3 other women for over a year each, and have been with many dozens of other women, both amateur girlfriends and professional working women in Vegas, Atlantic City, and Florida. Let me tell u, if women get any better than Natalia, I sure as hell don’t know about it. As Carly Simon sang in the theme song to one of the old James Bond movies,”Nobody Does It Better.”
( I was initially hesitant to write a review like this b/c other hombres reading this, and eager to meet her, will create such a rush that I might be crowded outa her schedule. Neverthelessshe is a wonderful person who deserves the best that business and life can bring her. And if she is sufficiently pleased with my company, I feel secure in knowing that she’ll often find time for repetitive visits from me in the future.)

review by Patrick on 2/18/2020 2:05:21 AM

Patrick gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Had a fantastic time with this Latina goddess. Beautiful on the outside as you can see from the pictures but equally beautiful on the inside. Very much enjoyed my time with her. Muchas gracias, bella. :)

review by Asian guy who loves Latinas on 2/15/2020 7:31:13 PM

Asian guy who loves Latinas gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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In all the years I have been frequenting brothels, I had never met a woman quite like, Natalia. Within seconds of meeting her I quickly became amazed by her charm and sensuality. Negotiations were as always negotiations but we got thought it rather quickly. She is upscale and is worth every cent. Once the party started I could tell that she truly cared about our time together. I could go on and on about how she is the perfect woman but I think you should just come in and see for yourself. Highly recommend.

review by Mc on 1/25/2020 9:04:39 PM

Mc gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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If u r not a crude-acting man, but a gentleman, she will be the nicest & most pleasant lady u can imagine.
Great personality. Her fabulous face & figure are enough to stimulate any normal man, but her behaviors will take your pleasure to another level. And...she’ll share with u what stimulates her.
I was so dazed & confused at the end of our tine together, I put on my V-neck sweater backwards, plus forgot to zip up. She corrected my stumbles.
Anyway, in my book, she’s the gold standard of what a woman can be !

review by Patrick on 1/16/2020 8:51:19 AM

Patrick gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Wow. Just Wow. Had a chance to meet Natalia Diaz. She is such a charming person with a great personality.
It's not often that you meet someone that the conversation just comes natural. By the time I left I was wishing I had spent more time with her. You will too. I'll know better next time which I hope is soon.

review by DD from Texas on 12/10/2019 9:07:32 PM

DD from Texas gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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She was great to talk to, and a really nice and genuine person. Highly recommend.

review by Andrew on 11/25/2019 3:18:12 PM

Andrew gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I came across the photos of Natalia and thought WOW she's stunning, I've got to meet her, and you know I feel very fortunate and I'm very thankful to have spent my birthday in the company of Natalia she was so kind and friendly from the introduction forward. Her beauty is so breathtaking, there is something special about this girl, you can get lost in her charm. I truly feel she's a genuine real person and cares and enjoys giving the best personal experience possible, it was my first time doing this, and Natalia was very accommodating, how can you top this birthday GIFT! All I can say my time with Natalia was unbelievable my fantasies came to life, it was truly an unforgettable birthday, I enjoyed her company so much that I came back to see her again, WOW is all that i can say...
Remember: What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas!

review by Joseph on 11/24/2019 12:07:56 AM

Joseph gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I recently had my first experience with Natalia, and I am left asking myself why I waited so long. She is beautiful inside and out. Long dark hair, amazing breasts and a golden body built for pleasure. Perhaps the most amazing aspect of Natalia is her personality: while we had only spent a brief amount of time together, we interacted like old friends. She is a sweet soul whose physical beauty is matched, maybe even surpassed, by her personality. The Natalia experience is one not to be missed! Do not hesitate and experience this wonderful lady at your earliest opportunity.

review by Lex on 11/22/2019 5:06:51 PM

Lex gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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There are few people you meet in your life that change you. Natalia Díaz is one of them. Her beauty surpasses playboy model standards. She is sweet, delicate and gifted with a sexual power that can bring any man to his knees and make you feel like you’ve been let into heaven’s gate. I will never forget my time with her. It was the most pleasurable sexual experience of my life. The best part was I could tell she genuinely enjoyed her time with me as well. I didn’t think it was possible to feel this way with someone at my age but I’m glad I took the chance. If you are looking to experience the sexual fantasy of a lifetime, look no further. Thank you Natalia for bringing me back to life.

review by King on 11/22/2019 2:38:26 PM

King gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Best 30 min of my life. HA! This women is amazing. Made me feel great. I saw her on the website and showed up around 11pm. I did not have an appointment but to my surprise she was available. She was kind and sweet. She really took her time to get to know my wants. Really enjoyed my time with her. Until next time, my lady.

review by Chris on 11/20/2019 12:12:26 PM

Chris gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I visited Sheri’s mid August and I had no idea how this all worked. I sat at the bar and an older extremely curvaceous lady approached me right away. She was very friendly but not my cup of tea for I was looking for a more of a natural and petite beauty. After talking to a few more beautiful ladies I decided I wanted to meet Natalia. Her picture on the bar display is phenomenal. She looks perfectly petite and curvy in the right places and not to mention very natural. When she came out to greet me I was in disbelief about how truly beautiful she was. Perfect petite body with gorgeous breast. We hit it off right away and headed straight to her room to discuss financial matters.
We soon came to an agreement and we headed over to play land. It was an incredible place with many different themed rooms and of course we took advantage of the many options in play land. Her skin has gorgeous natural tan (not a fake orange tan) and is extremely soft. Her scent was of a sweet floral and vanilla mix. I will never forget my time with her. I left a very happy camper and was not at all phased by my long flight back to Dubai. I will be back to see this petite queen. Forever yours.

review by August affair on 8/30/2019 6:53:53 PM

August affair gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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It was exactly a year ago today that I was fortunate enough to have met and spent time with Natalia. There hasn't been one day since that day that I haven't thought about this beautiful angel and always with a smile on my face.

If you are thinking about making an appointment to meet Natalia, don't hesitate you won't regret it. More likely than not, you will only look forward to the next time you can be with her.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to get away from work as often as I'd like to. If I could, it would be a sure bet that I'd book all of Natalia's time.

Natalia, can't wait to see you again. Until then know that you will always be la reina de mi carazon.

review by California Dude on 8/26/2019 10:58:36 PM

California Dude gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I have known Natalia for 2 years now and each time the moments we spend together are more and more Amazing. If I could take her with me, I would. Not only is she stunning with the most gorgeous eyes and smile she has an incredible body, silky soft golden skin, beautiful long dark hair. The greatest thing about Natalia is that she is a wonderful friend, great company and just an absolutely wonderful person to share your life and time with. You will not regret meeting and getting to know her.

review by Alf on 8/25/2019 12:02:05 AM

Alf gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Just enjoyed a great evening with Natalia by far the best lady I've has so far. Thanks for a great evenimg./////

review by Steve on 8/20/2019 8:44:59 PM

Steve gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia was an absolutely pleasure to be with. I talked to a few ladies and seen a few ladies before but my time with Natalia was like no other. I definitely felt a connection between us. Her personality is golden. We spent some time in her room but I’m coming back next week and we are spending some time in play-land. I can’t wait to be with this earth angel again.

review by Alec on 8/20/2019 4:16:36 PM

Alec gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Fantastic experience, unbelievably gorgeous, very personable, worth every penny.

review by Bryan on 8/18/2019 9:32:45 AM

Bryan gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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She is very nice. Great person and beauty is beyond this world. Very beautiful.

review by Liam on 8/15/2019 3:33:58 PM

Liam gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I had an unbelievable experience with Natalia. Her beauty is beyond words you will instantly feel comfortable around her. For me it was all to brief of a time when it seemed like we were the only people in the world She gave me a very special experience I will treasure my whole life.

review by Greg on 8/2/2019 6:11:57 PM

Greg gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Visited Sheri’s this week as a belated birthday present to myself and booked an appointment with Natalia. One of the best decisions I ever made. Not only she is incredibly beautiful bu she is also warm, caring, intelligent, funny and down to earth. After a quick discussion of the experience I was interested in and a painless negotiation, we were off to have fun. I won’t go into any details other than to say I had the best (belated) birthday party of my life. If your thinking of booking an appointment with this remarkable woman, stop thinking and just do it. You won’t regret it.

review by B on 7/27/2019 8:43:16 AM

B gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia is very passionate and dedicated to what she does. You can tell she truly loves what she does. I had a great experience with her.

review by Rogelio on 7/26/2019 8:41:50 PM

Rogelio gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Great lady. Very kind and welcoming. I can’t get her out of my head. 10/10 recommend.

review by Melvin K on 7/24/2019 10:06:44 PM

Melvin K gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I’d been in vegas with some friends for a good 4 days by the time I decided to visit Sheri’s. I rented a car and took the trip down to Pahrump from Las Vegas. It was a very relaxing and scenic drive. I did not make any appointments but when I got there I looked at the monitor and chose the hottest Latina, Natalia! I loved my time with the courtesan Natalia Diaz. It couldn’t have gone better. Her body is WOWZA!! Perfect curves in the right areas but not overly curvy. Just the right amount of curves. I didn’t ask her if she was all natural (I figured that’s a rude question to ask) but she sure did feel and look all natural. I’m not a fan of the fake/hard look and her breast are as Soft as can. I can hardly wait to come back. Next time I will be doing a threesome with Natalia and a lady of her choice.

review by Latina lover #1 on 7/23/2019 10:50:32 AM

Latina lover #1 gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Omg what can I say for my first time I couldn't have picked a better lady. Honestly she is more than you can ever dream of. Aside from the great sex, just talking to her is an experience. Her pictures do her no justice she is even more wonderful in person. If I ever get the chance again to book her I would love to sit down and talk to her all night long and I believe that could of happened tonight, she just makes you feel so comfortable and helps you open up. She is such a wonderful lady.

review by Victor on 7/22/2019 11:41:16 PM

Victor gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I made an appointment with Natalia for my 30th birthday. When I saw natalia I knew I had picked the right girl. She looks like those sexy IG models that a man can only dream of being with. Nice body and face. Sexy as hell.

review by Eugene on 7/21/2019 5:26:00 PM

Eugene gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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This was my 2nd time at the brothel and this time I wanted to meet miss natalia. She is very sweet and accommodating. Smooth negations and friendly smile. I will recommend her to anyone looking for a fun and easy going time.

review by Lamar on 7/19/2019 5:02:54 PM

Lamar gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia is a lovely lady with a quality personality and beauty to match. She’s quite intelligent, pure hearted, and has a cheery demeanor that will put anyone in a great mood. If you’re looking for a heavenly experience beyond just sex then I would 10/10 recommend this beautiful dark haired beauty. You won’t regret it and will leave with a happy high that will last you a lifetime.

review by Claudio on 7/5/2019 6:04:13 PM

Claudio gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia provided an exceptional unique experience like no other. She gave me exactly what I wanted without even words to ask or spoken, as if it was all intuitive. She's an incredible women and very understanding, both beautiful on the inside and out. Truly an amazing women in every way! 6/23/19

review by Your Dark Mysterious on 6/30/2019 6:30:52 AM

Your Dark Mysterious gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia, what can I say! From the moment I walked in, and we shared a drink it was like we were on a date. Such a beauty that her pictures do not do her justice. She’s very understanding and easy to talk to, and gives great advice. She really makes you feel at ease. I look forward to our next party the next time I’m in Vegas.

review by MissAl on 6/29/2019 10:14:22 PM

MissAl gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Had a fantastic time with Natalia! She's beautiful, fun & so sexy. Hope I get to see her again!

review by Joe from Ohio on 6/27/2019 8:29:54 PM

Joe from Ohio gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia is simply amazing! We hit it off right away, and her sweet nature and lovely personality made my time with her feel like a date with the woman of my dreams. She is sure to boost your confidence and fulfill any fantasy. Thank you Natalia!

review by J on 6/27/2019 11:11:49 AM

J gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I had a great time with this wonderful young lady. I will be back for some more quality time with Natalia.

review by Nathaniel on 6/24/2019 5:36:00 PM

Nathaniel gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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She is simply the best. I came in expecting nothing to happen. I chose Natalia from the picture on the monitor. I had great luck because she was available. Next thing I know, I’m over the moon with this beauty.

review by Admirer on 6/20/2019 11:18:40 AM

Admirer gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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This review can easily turn into a long one but I will keep it short. Our time together was nothing short of great. I’ve been visiting brothels for quite some time now and never meet anyone like Natalia Diaz. She is warm and genuine. Exotic and petite Latina. She has hair as dark as the night, skin as gold as the sun-rays, and her personality and brains are the best part. Very intelligent young lady. Speaks beautifully. Very humble for she has no idea how beautiful she truly is. She speaks both perfect English and perfect Spanish. I brushed up on my Spanish in the few hours that I was with this lovely young lady. Gracias amor.

review by Ryan T on 6/18/2019 7:53:11 PM

Ryan T gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Image the best date you have ever had in your life and multiply it by 100; that is what it is like to be with Natalia. Her beauty is only surpassed by her wit and charm. There is a passionate sensual side of Natalia is beyond description and something I will cherish forever.

review by Greg on 6/18/2019 4:13:33 PM

Greg gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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Natalia was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. She's warm, inviting, and very friendly. I woke up the next morning and she was all I could think about. Will definitely see again.

review by josiah on 6/17/2019 5:59:18 AM

josiah gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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She an absolute doll to be with. She is very sweet and down to earth and made an old man like myself extremely happy.

review by Pete on 6/5/2019 11:32:24 AM

Pete gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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I was my extreme pleasure to be with Natalia. Her personality and passion are unmatched by anyone I have ever met. For all too short of a time I was in heaven with a beautiful angle. I am looking forward to our next time.

review by Greg on 5/28/2019 11:36:47 AM

Greg gave this experience a 5.0 stars.

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