Because of her stunning looks, Ellie is a woman who would intimidate most men. She certainly intimated me; I was so nervous anticipating our meeting, When I first saw her in person I thought, wow, I will be spending time with this goddess, which made me even more nervous. Well, gentleman, I had no reason to be, because despite her gorgeous exterior she is the sweetest, most interesting and intelligent person you will meet.
Sitting on the couch with me holding hands and talking a little she immediately calmed me down and made me comfortable. Was I ready for the events that followed the negotiation? Well, honestly, not really, but I was taken into a reality that previously was only in my fantasy world. I was on a journey that I never wanted to end.
The previous paragraphs are my memories of the first moments I spent time with Ellie. That was over two years ago and since then I have seen her numerous times and have experienced many of the same feelings that I had when we first met. Of course, since the first meeting I have been able to get to know Ellie a bit more and become more impressed with her each time. She is a very special young lady who is experienced in connections and giving you a fantasy come true.
After the multiple parties we have had you would think I would want to have some new experiences at Sheri's Ranch, but you would be wrong. Ellie always makes every encounter new and exciting like it was the very first time and believe me, you will never want to leave. When our time is over, and I am walking to my car or the SR hotel room I still just shake my head a little and pinch myself to make sure the previous hour or two was not a dream.
Ellie is a fulfiller of dreams and will take you on a unique and special journey that you will never forget. She is without a doubt absolutely beautiful, but Ellie is so much more. Believe me, you will find out and you may never be the same again. DREAMS DO COME TRUE!! THANK YOU AGAIN ELLIE, UNTILWE MEET AGAIN!