I read the reviews, they sound like they were written by the same person, so I thought, until I was lucky enough to spend some time with JR. Its all true, sweet, sexy, a body equal to Pamala Anderson or better, this girl likes her work, she will do back flips to make you happy. We talked, had a drink, found out we like the same music, it was like we had known each other for ever. It was romantic, we kissed and touched each other like bf and gf, except I doubt many of you have a gf like this,she could make a noodle hard.
Here's a tip, treat this rare chance to be with a sex queen right, treat her right, shower shave, be a sport bring her a gift, sure she does this for money but, she is a real woman and like all women she will respond to kindness with the kind of kindness you will never forget.
Really, if I had the money I would try to take her away for myself, sadly I don.t but, I am dreaming of my next visit.
JR, thank you for one of my best nights ever, you are a doll.
P.S. When we were finished and it sadly was time to go, and she was "off the clock" she listened to two songs that had special meaning to me, not because she had to but, because she if a very nice girl !!!!!!!